Whittle Where You Wander

Author jchris

Resource Package

Health Tracking Technology Through Applications Education-Technology Resource Package Mental Health Technology Tesla Mayenburg Smiling Mind Overview:  As meditation becomes a more popular tool in dealing with stress and anxiety in school and at home, Smiling Mind is a great free… Continue Reading →

Free Inquiry 5

This week I put together a video of how to make a leather strop for craving knifes. I chose to do a simple instructional and even that proved a difficult task. Having a camera person would have been ideal or… Continue Reading →

EdTech Inquiry Reflection 4

I really enjoyed Jeff hopkins talk with us about his school and his values in education. It was great to hear the support to free inquiry he gives to students and staff. The example of the students starting a website… Continue Reading →

EdTech inquiry Reflection 3

This week I learned about SAMR to design lesson using technology in the classroom to transform the learning. The goal here to reach above technology as simply substitution and augmentation into modification and redefining. Reflection question to guide this model… Continue Reading →

Free Inquiry Reflection 4

This week I watched a video on “How to Sharpen Your Whittling and Wood Carving Knifes” . I learned how to make a leather strop which is used for keeping whittling knifes sharp. I learned that carvers use the leather… Continue Reading →

Free Inquiry Reflection 3

I watched the “Randy Goldsmith: Coast Salish Master Carver”  video again and listened more for tips. This time I heard him say he uses 400 + grit sand paper and he said ideally 1200. Which is staggeringly fine sand paper!… Continue Reading →

Free Inquiry Reflection 2

As I was walking my dog this week he came back with the perfect piece of wood for my next spoon. Im only 2 weeks into carving and already no longer see trees the same. This made me think about… Continue Reading →

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